(Vatican Radio) The Vatican has announced the titles and diaconates of the Cardinals
who were created by Pope Francis on Saturday.
The cardinalate historically is related to the senior clergy of the Church of Rome,
and even now all Cardinals are assigned a parish church in Rome as their titular church.
All Cardinals created before their 80th birthday are required to be Bishops,
and all Cardinals, of whatever age, are currently priests; however, when being assigned
their titular churches, new Cardinals are placed in the respective orders of Cardinal
Bishop, Cardinal Priest, or Cardinal Deacon.
At Saturday’s consistory, the newly-created Cardinals were assigned the following
Roman churches:
- Card. Mario ZENARI Deaconry of Santa Maria delle Grazie alle Fornaci fuori Porta
- Card. Dieudonné NZAPALAINGA, C.S.Sp. Title of Sant’Andrea della Valle
- Card. Carlos OSORO SIERRA Title of Santa Maria in Trastevere
- Card. Sérgio DA ROCHA Title of Santa Croce in via Flaminia
- Card. Blase Joseph CUPICH Title of San Bartolomeo all’Isola
- Card. Patrick D’ROZARIO, C.S.C. Title of Nostra Signora del SS. Sacramento e
Santi Martiri Canadesi
- Card. Baltazar Enrique PORRAS CARDOZO Title of Santi Giovanni Evangelista e Petronio
- Card. Jozef DE KESEL Title of Santi Giovanni e Paolo
- Card. Maurice PIAT, C.S.Sp. Title of Santa Teresa al Corso d’Italia
- Card. Kevin Joseph FARRELL Deaconry of San Giuliano Martire
- Card. Carlos AGUIAR RETES Title of Santi Fabiano e Venanzio a Villa Fiorelli
- Card. John RIBAT, M.S.C. Title of San Giovanni Battista de’ Rossi
- Card. Joseph William TOBIN, C.SS.R. Title of Santa Maria delle Grazie a Via Trionfale
- Card. Anthony Soter FERNANDEZ Title of Sant’Alberto Magno
- Card. Renato CORTI Title of San Giovanni a Porta Latina
- Card. Sebastian Koto KHOARAI, O.M.I. Title of San Leonardo da Porto Maurizio
ad Acilia
- Card. Ernest SIMONI Deaconry of Santa Maria della Scala