2016-03-16 14:49:00

Pope Francis greets workers facing unemployment

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis on Wednesday made a special greeting to the employees of “Gepin Contact di Roma,” along with their families, who were attending his General Audience.

The company has for many years managed the call-centre for Poste Italiane – Italy’s national postal service – but when the contract was cancelled, the company began the process of terminating over one-hundred jobs.

“The Jubilee of Mercy, along with crossing the Holy Door, is an opportunity to return to the arms of the Father, who always comforts us in times of difficulty,” Pope Francis said.

The Holy Father has expressed solidarity with particular workers facing unemployment before during his general audience, including workers at the ThyssenKrupp steel plant in the central Italian city of Terni on September 3, 2014; and the “Meridiana” airline workers on October 22, 2014.

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