(Vatican Radio/Fides) The Bishops of the West African nation of Niger have sent a message to the Muslim community of Niger inviting it to engage in dialogue in the name of peace.
Archbishop Laurent Lompo, Archbishop of Niamey and Bishop Ambroise Ouedraogo of Maradi signed a joint Christmas message saying that "The proximity of the Christian Christmas and the anniversary of the birth of the Prophet is an invitation to dialogue."
“This year the feast of Mouloud and Christmas coincide - the message reads - this sign invites us, Christians and Muslims, to dialogue in order to bring peace to the world in the name of our common faith in Abraham, ancestor of all believers".
This invitation for dialogue was also endorsed by Bishops in other ecclesiastical districts of Niger who sent messages to the Muslim community for the Mouloud feast (also known as Maouloud or Mawlid in other Countries), pointing out that the birth of the Prophet Mohammed this year was celebrated on December 24.
The last time this date coincided was 457 years ago.
In their messages they say "It is a sign of the Almighty God who calls us to unity in the diversity as believers" and they highlight the fact that "the actuality of our Country calls us, Christians and Muslims, to embody love, forgiveness, and respect for others, to ensure peace and allow national unity to grow".
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