(Vatican Radio) Massive flooding has forced more than 150,000 people out of their homes in Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay and Paraguay.
Listen to James Blears report
Many blame the El Niño phenomenon for the floods which have spilled over into four different nations. Forcasters are describing it as the worst flooding in sixty years.
Paraguay is by far the worst affected with more than 130,000 people hit by the floods with a State of Emergency being declared. More than 100,000 homes in the Capitol Asunción have been without electricity and the Paraguay River there is swollen to critical levels. Any more rain, and more than 100,000 will have to be immediatly evacuated in case the river bursts its Banks.
Thousands have been evacuated in North Eastern Argentina, with the región of Entre Rios, particularly badly hit. Many resisdnetial are now vast lakes of floodwater with boats being rowed by partially or almost totally submerged homes.
The repair bill will swallow up billions, which will only be partly covered by State of Emergency funds.
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