(Vatican Radio) Mexico's President is proving that the pen is mightier than the sword, by signing a law combatting forced disappearances and another against torture. James Blears reports that a new nationwide missing persons registry is also being established.
President Enrique Nieto made the announcement at Mexico's Annual Human Rights Award Ceremony, to present this new crime fighting legislation. So...there will be a national search system, linking the Attorney General's Office with local prosecutors to boost rapid response, using investigation procedures meeting the most stringent international standards. Tough legislation punishing torture as well as cruel and degrading treatment. And a National Human Rights Register, delving into hospitals, prisons, forensic services and even as far as graveyards. All this, following a recent visit by the UN's High Commissioner on Human Rights, who lambasted Mexico's law and order and human rights record.
The two laws were approved by Mexico's Chamber of Deputies in April. Now President Peña Nieto has inked them into law... with his signature.
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