(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis has sent his support and prayers to those affected by Cumbrian & North Lancashire Floods.
A letter written by the Apostolic Nuncio Archbishop Antonio Mennini on behalf of the Holy Father and addressed to the Bishop of Lancaster, Michael Campbell, Pope Francis expresses his personal sympathy at this difficult time.
"Having learnt - the letter reads - of the devastating effects caused in the North of England and in Cumbria in particular by Storm Desmond in these last days, I should like to convey to you and your people, along with the civic authorities and support services, the closeness of the Holy Father, Pope Francis, and my personal sympathy at this difficult time".
The letter goes on to assure the flood-struck communities of prayers for those who have tragically lost their homes or been injured, as well as for their relatives and friends.
"May the Lord grant them comfort and strength in facing the future".
Meanwhile in news today. heavy rain has brought more flooding and misery to the Cumbrian village of Glenridding, just four days after it was devastated by Storm Desmond.
Police, fire crews and mountain rescue teams spent the night there after Glenridding Beck overflowed its banks.
Diggers were deployed throughout the night to try to stem the swollen waters.
Cumbria Police has advised villagers to remain in their properties, even as the flood water begins to recede.
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