(Vatican Radio) Experts brought in by the Mexican Government to re-examine the case of 43 disappeared student teachers, are directly contradicting forensic claims by Mexican Authorites. James Blears in Mexico reports this discredits an important part of the original case.
Independent Specialists from the Inter American Commission on Human Rights, say that the bodies of the massacred student teachers, couldn't have been burned to ashes at a rubbish dump, during the time frame claimed. After their abduction by Mexican Municipal Pólice, who then handed over them to gangsters, it was raining heavily that day and the next, when the disposal of the corpses is supposed to have taken place. The experts say it would have also needed many tons of wood, and there's no evidence of that either.
They also want soldiers from the Mexican Army's 27th Infantry Batallion, who were in the área at the time, but didn't intervene, to be questioned in greater detail about what they know, concerning the appalling events of September 26th 2014. There have been protests locally, nationally and internationally. More than 100 people have so far been arrested.
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