(Vatican Radio) There have been violent clashes between migrants amid growing anger and frustration at the border between Greece and Macedonia where thousands of migrants are stranded on the Greek side. Caritas Greece said the migrants have been "left in limbo" after the Macedonian authorities fenced off the border and said they were only allowing refugees from three countries, Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan, to go through. On Thursday several people were injured at the Greek border village of Idomeni as hundreds of migrants rejected by Macedonia clashed with the Syrians, Afghanis and Iraqis.
Philippe Mougin is acting as an emergency coordinator for Caritas Greece and has witnessed at first hand the situation facing migrants in the Idomeni border area. He said thousands of migrants have been "left in limbo" by the Macedonian authorities' policy of only allowing through people from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan and more migrants coming from Athens are turning up at the border area each day in fleets of buses. He said many of those stranded at the border do not have tents to sleep in at night as the weather turns increasingly cold and there is growing "anger,frustration" and "desperation" among them. Mougin was interviewed by Susy Hodges.
Listen to the interview with Philippe Mougin of Caritas:
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