The 20th Asia Pacific Congress on Faith, Life and Family organized by Human Life international (HLI) in Taiwan, from Nov. 27 to 29 focused on threats, perspectives, and realities affecting the modern family.
With the theme coming from Psalms 128:8, “Your wife a fruitful vine in the inner places of your house, your children round your table like shoots of an olive tree”, speakers and resource persons shared reflections on the understanding of God’s plan for marriage and family; threats and challenges to family; the modern crisis of conscience; unmasking the gender ideology; the global holocaust of abortion.
Dr. Ligaya Acosta, the Regional director of the Human Life International (HLI) for Asia and Oceania, opened the Congress, saying: ”The said congress will enable the participants to re-discover and value marriage-based natural families and teach children and leaders to value them as well.”
Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, head of the Pontifical Council for the Family, gave the keynote address on the challenges of the Synod on the Family, to more than 200 participants from 15 countries of the Asia-Pacific.
Bishop John Baptist Lee, Bishop of Hsinchu and chair of the Commission for family of the Chinese Regional Bishops’ Conference, reiterated in his welcome speech the goals of HLI, which is to promote the moral teaching of the Catholic Church, to spread pro-life insights in society, and to offer concrete and effective programs for the advancement of faith.
Among other speakers were Fr. Shenan Boquet, President of Human Life International (HLI); Dr. Brian Clowes, HLI director of education and research; and Dr. Joseph Meaney, a leading expert on the international pro-life movement; Dr. Ligaya Acosta; Atty. Jo Imbong; Dra. Eleanor de Borja Palabyab; and Mayor Sally Lee of Sorsogon City.
(ECFL / CBCP News)
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