2015-08-20 15:38:00

NGO reacts to UK and France plans on Calais migrants

(Vatican Radio) As the UK and France announce the decision to open a “command and control centre” in Calais to tackle the migrants’ crisis and crackdown on traffickers, what has been the reaction of NGOs who are seeking to alleviate the humanitarian plight of the migrants?

To find out more, we spoke to Marie Martin, a migration and asylum expert for EuroMed Rights, an NGO that supports efforts to give migrants and refugees a voice. Martin said that she welcomed the two governments’ decision since it meant that the dire humanitarian situation in Calais was finally being dealt with. However, Martin also said that not enough was being done to tackle the crisis at its roots, and that the humanitarian situation was “getting worse”. She spoke to Claire Gilbody Dickerson about this issue.

Listen to Marie Martin from EuroMed Rights:  

Martin criticized the governments for investing millions in the implementation of security measures. She said that among the proposals was the “enforcement of security to stop migrants crossing the border to the UK”, a measure which she described as a “breach of international law”.

Martin also warned that tensions were rising as people waited to be relocated. She described the migrants as “desperate and vulnerable” people.

In conclusion, she reiterated that these people are “risking their lives” because they are resorting to such extreme measures in their desperation to get to the UK via the Channel Tunnel. 

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