As the push for same-sex marriage in Australia gains momentum, buoyed by the Irish referendum, Australia’s Catholic bishops have warned that redefining marriage would be a “serious injustice” with far-reaching consequences for all. The bishops released a pastoral letter on same-sex marriage on Thursday for quick distribution, as a draft legislation on same-sex marriage in the Australian Parliament became very likely. Two days earlier, Opposition Leader Bill Shorten announced his plan to redefine marriage. Debate was expected to begin in the House of Representatives June 1, and the legislation could be passed as early as August. The pastoral letter argues that it is "gravely unjust" to legitimize the false assertion that there is nothing distinctive about a man and a woman, a father or a mother; to ignore the importance for children of having a mother and a father, committed to them and to each other for the long haul; and to destabilize marriage further at a time when it is already under considerable pressure. "If we are right in this assertion and if the civil law ceases to define marriage as traditionally understood, it will be a serious injustice and undermine that common good for which the civil law exists," the bishops said. (Source: CNS)
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