The Apostolic Carmel, with its initials AC, is a religious congregation of the Discalced Carmelite Third Order for women based in Bangalore, India. It was founded by Mother Mary Veronica of the Passion at Bayonne, France in 1868, and established at Mangalore, India, in 1870, by Discalced Carmelite Bishop Marie Ephrem. Today the congregation has five provinces in India and one in Sri Lanka, besides centres in Kuwait, Bahrain, Africa and Italy. In fidelity to the vision of Mother Veronica, the Apostolic Carmelite sisters reach out to the people, particularly the youth through education and faith formation in schools, colleges, welfare centres, etc. by employing formal and non-formal techniques. Sr. Marie Fay is the councilor for social work of the Apostolic Carmel’s Eastern Province, based in eastern India’s Kolkata city. She was recently in Rome, and talking to her, we came to know more about the social work apostolate of the Apostolic Carmel. Sr. Fay talked at length about their flagship social service non-governmental organization NGO called ‘Asha Deep’, meaning ‘the lamp of hope.’
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