As the United Nations marked the International Day for Biological Diversity on Friday, UN Secretary General, Ban ki-Moon called on the international community to recommit to reduce the rate of biodiversity loss. “Protecting ecosystems and ensuring access to ecosystem services by poor and vulnerable groups are essential to eradicating extreme poverty and hunger,” Ban said in view the May 22nd observance, which this year had as its theme 'Biodiversity for Sustainable Development.' “The sustainable development goals and the broader post-2015 development agenda, which are under negotiation now, will provide an opportunity to mainstream biodiversity and promote transformational change in how economies and societies use and regard biodiversity,” he added. A high-level UN summit is scheduled for September to adopt the post-2015 development agenda. Ban said that reducing deforestation and land degradation and enhancing carbon stocks in forests, drylands, rangelands and croplands generate significant benefits and are cost-effective ways to mitigate climate change. Hence, any sustainable development framework must provide conditions for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity for more equitable sharing of benefits. (Source: UN)
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