(Vatican Radio) Caritas Internationalis concludes its General Assembly in Rome on Sunday. Over the past five days, participants from the Church’s confederation of Catholic aid and development agencies have been reflecting on the theme “One Human Family -Caring for Creation.” Honduras Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez Maradiaga now leaves his post as President of Caritas Internationalis after eight years. Cardinal Luis Antoinio Tagle of the Philippines was elected by the Assembly this week to replace him.
Vatican Radio’s Alessandro Gisotti spoke with Cardinal Maradiaga on the sidelines of the General Assembly on Saturday.
The Cardinal says he is “feeling the joy of the Gospel because when you see all the good things that are made through Caritas around the world, it’s a natural feeling of thanksgiving in the first place because it’s the Lord who is inspiring us in all the works of Caritas. But at the same time, the joy: when you can touch as I did in the five continents all the good that Caritas is doing, it’s a source of great joy.
South Sudan joins Caritas family
One of the major challeges for the organization in future years according to the Cardinal is continuing to strengthen the confederation. He points out that this year a new Caritas member has joined the fold: South Sudan.
Future challenges for Caritas network
But just being a member of a federation is not all, he stresses. “We need to help especially the small Caritas [agencies] to grow up, to develop, to look for help in organizing, etc. But especially to motivate the people of God to give and to receive because it’s a two-way highway what we are promoting in Caritas. Secondly of course, we see the violence, we see the war, and we are committed to build peace through human development. And so, this is another challenge: how could we serve and help those who are working for building peace all around the world.”
Another major challenge, Cardinal Maradiaga adds, is the issue of migrants “and racism that is emerging in some places.” “It is necessary to think that all of us are children of God,” he stresses, “and we need, we need strongly, to create fraternity among the peoples.”
Cardinal Tagle will be a great leader
Cardinal Maradiaga wishes his successor at the helm of Caritas, Cardinal Tagle, all the best in his new job. “I wish him to continue working hard, full of love and joy. He is a master in that. He’s always laughing and this is a good thing that can help the federation to go on. Actually, the Filipino people is a happy people. I recall when St. John Paul II went for World Youth Day – I was there – and I was impressed by this gentleness, courtesy, and happiness of the Filipino people. He will be a great leader in Caritas.”
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