The general intention for which Pope Francis is asking us to join him in prayer during the month of November is for all who suffer loneliness, that they may experience the closeness of God and the support of others. Even if we are surrounded by loving family and friends, loneliness creeps into our lives. It’s not surprising to hear several famous movie and pop music stars say that despite the limelight, they feel very lonely in their private lives. Even with communication technologies designed to keep us connected to one another, such as the phones, email and social media, we can feel isolated. Virtual connections cannot replace real human touch and closeness. Christ too went through this dark tunnel of loneliness – ‘Couldn't you watch with me even one hour?’ And again, “My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?” But the Father had never abandoned the Son. Pope Francis assures Christians, “Always know in your heart that God is by your side; he never abandons you! Let us never lose hope! Let us never allow it to die in our hearts!” This is why he urges Christians to go out of their cozy homes and seek out the abandoned and the forgotten of the world, such as the elderly, the widowed, prisoners, the jobless and the homeless, to become the hands of Christ touching them with the Father’s mercy and love. Let’s therefore join the Holy Father during the month of November, in praying for all who suffer loneliness, that they may experience the closeness of God and the support of others.
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