(Vatican Radio) The Holy See has released the calendar of celebrations at which the Holy Father will preside in November.
On Saturday 1 November, Pope Francis will celebrate Holy Mass for the Solemnity of All Saint’s at the Campo Verano cemetery in Rome. The following day, Sunday 2 November, he will lead a prayer service in the Vatican Grottoes for all deceased Popes.
Pope Francis will offer Holy Mass on Monday, 3 November, for the souls of the Cardinals and Bishops who have died in the course of the past year. The Mass will take place at the Altar of the Chair in Saint Peter’s Basilica.
The Pope will celebrate the canonization of six saints on Sunday, 23 November. Giovanni Antonio Farina, Kuriakose Elias Chavara della Sacra Familia, Ludovico da Casoria, Nicola da Casoria, Eufrasia Eluvathingual del Sacro Cuore, and Amato Roncomi will be raised to the altars on the Solemnity of Christ the King, in St Peter’s Square.
Finally, at the end of the month, from Friday, 28 November to Sunday, 30 November, Pope Francis will make his first Apostolic Voyage to Turkey.
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