With the end of Daylight Saving Time in Rome this Sunday 26th of October in which the clocks will be turned back an hour, there will be changes in the time and broadcast frequencies of the English Africa Service.
The programme will go on air an hour earlier at 17:30 GMT (UTC) in the following shortwave frequencies: 11625 Kilohertz in the (23 mb), 13765 kilohertz (21 mb) and 15570 kilohertz (19 mb).
It will be repeated at 20:00 hours GMT on 15570 kilohertz in the (19mb) and the 13765 kilohertz (22mb).
The same programme can be heard the following morning at 3:00 hours GMT on 9660 kilohertz (31mb) and 11625 kilohertz (25mb).
It can also be heard at 5:00 hours GMT on 7360 kilohertz (41mb) and 13765 kilohertz (21mb).
Listeners in Rome can hear the programme in the FM 103.8 frequency an hour earlier from this Sunday with the first broadcast going out at 18:30 local time.
Listeners who are connected to the Internet can hear the programme live and on demand from our website: www.radiovaticana.va and click on English. At the appearance of the web page, click on live and go straight to Chanel RV 2 indicated as Programmes for Asia and Africa. Click on listen. If you wish to listen to a programme that has already gone on air say a day or a week earlier, click on the on Demand and Podcast section and scroll to the bottom of the page. Click on English for Africa.
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