(Vatican Radio) The Archbishop of Hô Chí Minh City, Paul Bùi Van Ðoc, delivered the homily during Terce – the Church’s official praise of God at the “third hour” of the morning – on Saturday. The Archbishop focused his reflections on the short reading of the hour, taken from the 1st chapter of the Letter of St. Paul the Apostle to the Romans: “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes.”
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Archbishop Van Doc articulated the point as one of fundamental choice, saying that the Good News will be for our salvation if we put our faith in it. “Christ,” he said, “is our Hope, and Hope for all men. He is our One Savior, crucified, killed, and risen for our justification; He is present among us, walking with us towards the end of history. Christ is the only Hope for family life men of today and tomorrow.”
The Archbishop went on to say, “If we believe, we accept what [Christ] tells us about love.” He asked, “Do we believe in the strength of God, or in the strength of the world?” He concluded, “The strength of the world destroys everything: life, love, the human family; the life of faith instead results in a life of love, which is a source of joy and happiness.
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