(Vatican Radio) In Pakistan on Thursday, Lahore High Court, the court of second instance, confirmed the death sentence against Asia Bibi, a Pakistani Christian woman accused and convicted of blasphemy, and originally sentenced in 2010. The news was confirmed by one of the woman’s defense lawyers, Naeem Shakir, who said the appeal filed by the defense was rejected.
During the hearing, the defense submitted its written arguments challenging the prosecution’s framework, exposing the witnesses’ lack of credibility and the obvious falsity of the accusations. The judge held the allegations of the two Muslim women, who claimed to have witnessed the alleged blasphemy committed by Asia, were valid and credible. Shakir expressed his bitterness and disappointment. “Justice is increasingly in the hands of the extremists,” he added. He said that, in agreement with Asia’s husband, the defence would resort to the Supreme Court, the final court of appeal in Pakistan.
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