The Malawian representative at the Synod on the Family, Bishop Joseph Mukasa Zuza of Mzuzu Diocese says he is happy with the way the Synod is progressing so far. Giving his take on the Synod, Bishop Zuza says Malawi is concerned about some Western influences in his country. According to the Bishop, some organisations in Malawi are using money to entice mostly poor young people to adopt un-African lifestyles and unions at the expense of marriage between a man and a woman. “In Malawi, these organisations are using money to influence young people to promote same-sex unions, ” Bishop Zuza says.
The Episcopal Conference of Malawi is keen to see that children in families are nurtured and that they adopt lifestyles that are truly African and Christian.
Listen to Bishop Zuza as he speaks to Fr. Paul Samasumo of Vatican Radio’s English Service for Africa.
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