The Zambian Archbishop of Kasama, Ignatius Chama has praised the lay faithful in Africa who have been praying for the Synod Fathers currently attending the Extraordinary Synod on the Family, at the Vatican. “To all of you people who have been praying for the Synod, your prayers have been answered. The Lord has touched the people participating in this Synod. Let us continue to pray for the Synod of next year so that it will also be as successful as this one is proving to be,” Archbishop Chama has told Vatican Radio.
The Archbishop who is the outgoing President of the Zambia Episcopal Conference, says that for Zambia, the most challenging pastoral issue facing families is that of the Church marriage versus the traditional ceremony. Many people seem to prefer to be married via the traditional and cultural umbrella. “Our traditional marriages are widely accepted by society and it is not always easy to have them regularised in Church. The men particularly tend to resist the idea” The challenge then is for the Church to create an appreciation for Church marriages and value for “White Church weddings,” so to speak,” Said Archbishop Chama.
He has also praised the quality of the sharing by the lay faithful participating in the Synod. “Theirs was a sharing of real lived marriages,” the Archbishop said.
Listen to Archbishop Chama’s edited discussion with Fr. Paul Samasumo, of Vatican Radio’s English Service for Africa.
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