(Vatican Radio) The Holy Father, Pope Francis, has called for the Year of Consecrated (Religious) Life (30th November 2014 - 2nd February 2016). The year will have an evangelical focus, helping people to realize and celebrate the beauty of following Christ in various types of religious vocations. Its purpose is to make grateful remembrance of the past and to embrace the future with hope.
In Southern African Catholic Bishops' Conference territories, this year will be celebrated thus:
- Each parish and religious community will launch this Year on the 1st Sunday of Advent (30th November) and start the Prayer for the Year of Consecrated Life in all its Masses (prayer cards are forthcoming)
- Each diocese will organise celebrations, seminars, prayer days according to its customs.
- Two big celebrations will be organised to coincide with the 2015 Bishops’ Conference plenary sessions in Gauteng (January 2015) and KwaZulu-Natal (August 2015).
- The Southern Cross and Radio Veritas will run a series of articles/shows on this theme throughout the year.
- Various groups of Christ’s faithful are requested to take different initiatives to celebrate this great gift to the Church.
For any enquiries, you can contact:
Fr Grant Emmanuel – SACBC Associate General Secretary gemmanuel@sacbc.org.za
Sr Anne Wigley – LCCL-SA General Secretary lcclsa@mweb.co.za
Fr S’milo Mngadi – SACBC Communications Officer smngadi@sacbc.org.za
( e-mail: engafrica@vatiradio.va)
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