2014-04-15 17:04:38

The Pope to visit the Church of Divino Amore and the Church of St.Stanislaus

April 15, 2014: Pope Francis on Sunday, May 18 , at 4 p.m., will visit the Church of Our Lady of Divino Amore, a place of pilgrimage very dear to the Romans. The Marian Church was constructed in 1750, is situated on the way to Ardeatina a place situated about 12 kms from Rome in Castel di Leva, where pilgrims flocked after a faithful was miraculously saved from the jaws of angry stray dogs, when he invoked the Madonna. Later in 1944, Pope Pius the XII visited this shrine and named it the Salvatrice of the City.
He will also visit Church of St. Stanislaus the so-called Polish church in Rome on Sunday, May 4th , in the morning. The church follows religious traditions typically Polish. This church was built by the architect Francesco Ferrari between 1729 and 1735 which was also completed with other decorative works with the help of King Stanislaus Augustus Poniatowski .

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