2014-01-17 12:49:43

Republic of China (Taiwan) Ambassador on Pope's speech

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis gave his first annual address to the Diplomatic Corps accredited to the Holy See on Monday. During his speech, he spoke about the need for diplomacy and dialogue to help resolve conflicts. One of the Ambassadors attending the speech was the Ambassador from the Republic of China on Taiwan, Larry Yu-yuan Wang.
He spoke to Vatican Radio about how dialogue has been improving the relations between Taiwan and Mainland China.
“Economically, or in the trade field, our relations with Mainland China is very close,” he said. “To give you an example, there are more than 90 daily flights between Mainland China and Taiwan.”
He also spoke about the 3,000 tourists who every day visit Taiwan from the mainland.
“Most of them after they leave Taiwan, they say they will be back,” Ambassador Wang said. “They have a very good impression of what they have seen in Taiwan. We still treasure and preserve traditional Chinese values and Chinese culture.”
Listen to the full interview by Charles Collins with Ambassador Wang: RealAudioMP3

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