2013-12-05 14:34:29

Pope exhorts Christians to put the Word of God into Practice

Vatican City, 5 December 2013: He who listens to the word of God and does not put them into practice, hurts himself and others, because they are based on pride and cause division in the Church, said Pope Francis on Thursday morning during Mass he celebrated at Casa Santa Martha in the Vatican.

Reflecting on the Gospel passage which describes two types of builders of a house – one wise and the other foolish, Francis Pope said that Jesus rebuked the Pharisees for knowing the commandments, and yet not implementing them in their lives. If the word of God is not put into practice, they remain only as good words. But they also hurt and deceive us, make us believe that we have a beautiful home, but without foundation.

Pope Francis went on to say that the Lord is our foundation. Our rock is Jesus Christ.
Continuing on this theme the Pontiff underlined that “a Christian word without Christ at its centre leads to vanity, pride, power for the sake of power”. The Lord, said the Pope, breaks down these people who believe themselves to be the Rock.

The rock is Jesus Christ, the Lord! A word is strong, and can withstand all attacks, if this word has its roots in Jesus Christ.

" A Christian word without Christ brings to the vanity, to the safety of oneself, pride, power for power. "We will do well to make an examination of conscience - the Pope said - to understand" whether our words are words with Jesus Christ.Source: VR Sedoc

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