2013-11-19 17:37:44

Demonstrations hit Haiti capital

(Vatican Radio) Thousands have taken to the streets to demand the resignation of Haiti's President Michele Martelly. Black acrid smoke billows up into a clear blue sky on roads leading to Haiti's Capitol Port Au Prince, as protesters set fire to discarded car tires. The focus of anger and disillusionment is President Michel Martelly. A former pop singer, his record since being elected to the top job last year, hasn't hit the right note. Demonstrators are chanting and ranting against corruption, and also a lack of progress with policies to tackle the reconstruction of Haiti, in the aftermath of the devastating earthquake of 2010, which killed more than half a million of its population. The United Nations, who's peacekeepers joined Haitian Police to contain the demonstrations, has voiced concern that local and legislative elections are already two years overdue, with no practical possibility of being held this year. President Martelly is quoting history and appealing for calm. Yet if Haiti's history shows him and us anything, it's that poverty and accompanying desperation are volatile and dangerous catalysts, which must be addressed.

Listen to the report by correspondent James Blears: RealAudioMP3

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