2013-08-10 11:03:34

Former drug cartel boss released from jail

(Vatican Radio) Mexican Authorities have unexpectedly released a former drug cartel boss, who's served 28 years of a 40 year jail sentence. Rafael Caro Quintero, is an alleged founding member of the Guadalajara and Sonora drug cartels, which no longer exist.
He was arrested and extradited back to Mexico from Costa Rica in 1985. Convicted of the kidnapping, torture and murder of DEA Agent Enrique Camarena and his Pilot, Rafael was jailed for 40 years.
However, in an extraordinary twist of judicial fate, and after almost thirty years of jail time, a Judge has ruled this should have been tried in a State, rather than a Federal Court.

The inexplicable pre dawn release has angered, frustrated and wrong footed US Authorities, who badly wanted to extradite this man for an array of crimes including: Murder, the drug trafficking of vast amounts of cocaine and marijuana into the United States , and much more.
However, for the moment, 61 year old Rafael Caro Quintero, has vanished into Scotch Mist. Listen to this report by James Blears RealAudioMP3

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