2013-03-23 17:08:33

Questions of Faith: Popes, Pontiffs, Papacies, Apostolic Succession

(Vatican Radio) Apostolic Succession: in recent weeks it’s been repeatedly referred to and sometimes over-used, but what does it actually mean and what has it got to do with electing a Pope? Where does the Papacy come from, does it have purely spiritual origins or does it also have historical roots? What does ‘continuity’ between Popes mean? And in 2013 is the figure of the Supreme Pontiff still relevant?

These are just some of the questions sent in by listeners that our very own official from the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Msgr. John Kennedy , answers in this week’s episode of Questions of Faith, as he helps us to navigate the modern world and rediscover what we believe and why we believe. Listen: RealAudioMP3

So if you have any questions, big or small, why not ask the official? You can do this by submitting them to Vatican Radio’s – English Section Facebook page as a post or private message and tuning in each Tuesday to find out the answers to your Questions of Faith.

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