2013-01-14 13:16:03

Pope receives officers of Italian police force

(Vatican Radio) Pope Benedict XVI received the officers and commanders of the Inspectorate for Public Safety at the Vatican on Monday. The Inspectorate is the Italian State Police force tasked with cooperating in security operations and maintaining order in St Peter’s Square and around the Vatican. Created in conformity with the Lateran Pacts between the Holy See and Italy, the officers and staff of the Inspectorate screen pilgrims and tourists on their way into St Peter’s Basilica, patrol the area around Vatican City, direct traffic and offer assistance to visitors, as well as providing support and special service during the Holy Father’s travels within Italy. In his meeting with them on Monday in the Clementine Hall of the Apostolic Palace in the Vatican, Pope Benedict XVI offered his thanks for their dedicated service and professionalism. “Dear friends,” said Pope Benedict, “may your presence always be a more effective guarantee of that good order and tranquility, which are crucial for building a peaceful social life, and that, in addition to being taught by the Gospel, are a sign of authentic civility.” Listen to our report: RealAudioMP3

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