2013-01-11 08:43:44

No inauguration for Venezuela's Chavez

(Vatican Radio) An Inauguration has been missed, so now the waiting extends and is directly interlinked to the health crisis of President Hugo Chavez.. Thousands of Venezuelans heeded the call of Vice President Nicolas Maduro, and thronged in front of the Miraflores Palace in the Capitol Caracas, to pledge their allegiance and loyalty to stricken President Hugo Chavez. He wasn't able to return from Cuba, where he's undergone a fourth cancer operation and is still being medically treated for complications.
The Presidents of Bolivia, Nicaragua and Paraguay lent the event political clout and significance. The Oppostion Coalition has already had the wind taken out of its political sails, after appealing to Venezuela's Supreme Court, only to be handed back a ruling, stating that a delay is indeed permissable.
The fuzzy terms, "cancer in the pelvic region, severe respiratory illness", "delicate" or "stable", and "fresh complications".... have a vague and imprecise ring to them.
A month now since President Chavez underwent his fourth surgery, and still no word from him.
Uncertainty reigns, and the time frame for clarification of the situation like the Inauguration is somewhat overdue.
Listen to this report by James Blears: RealAudioMP3

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