2012-12-01 13:06:02

Pope greets circus performers

(Vatican Radio) Over the last two days anyone coming to St Peter’s Square will not have failed to notice the theatrical spectacle occupying part of this vast space with a carousel, circus and puppet theatres taking their places near the Piazza’s famous obelisk and renowned colonnades.

It’s all part of an initiative organised by the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People which is hosting thousands of travelling performers this weekend as part of the Year of Faith.

The festivities got off to a flying start on Saturday morning with a parade featuring familiar tunes being played by brass bands along the via Della Conciliazione which leads up towards St Peter Basilica.

The highlight of the day for all the participants, however, was a greeting from Pope Benedict XVI in the Paul the VI Hall.

After hearing testimonies from a number of circus performers and a mini show the Pope addressed those gathered.
“Dear friends, you spread around you a joyful atmosphere and you ease the burden of daily work. May you also be men and women with a strong inner self, open to contemplation and dialogue with God. I pray that your faith in Christ and your devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary may sustain you in your life and work. “

The Holy Father also said that the Church is a pilgrim who, like you, in this world, and it invites you to participate in its divine mission through your daily work. Listen to Lydia O’Kane’s report RealAudioMP3

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