2012-10-02 12:22:10

'John Paul II the Great' : an illustrated book for children...

(Vatican Radio) Ever wanted your children to learn about the life of Blessed John Paul II?

Well if you should, given the 'Year of Faith" is about to begin, consider English author Joanna Bogle's illustrated book for children by the title of 'John Paul the Great ' which fits that description.

As Veronica Scarisbrick discovers in an interview with Joanna Bogle, Karol Wojtyla's life has the stuff of adventure. Not only does it recount this Polish Pontiff's time in Rome focusing on his prayer life, his travels across the world but it also tells of the dramatic assassination attempt.

Also highlighted in the book are the earlier years in his home country: his extraordinarily tragic childhood followed by the dramatic developments that ensued first during the Nazi invasion and then under the communist regime.

A story of good overcoming evil with a carefully measured out pace...

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