2012-09-24 08:39:13

Nigeria: suicide bomber hits a Catholic church, 2 killed

A suicide car bomber attacked a Catholic Church northern Nigeria on Sunday, killing a woman and child, and wounding another 45 others. The bomb blast hit a parking lot alongside St. John's Catholic Church in Bauchi, after the suicide bomber was prevented from entering the church building due to security measured installed after a series of bombings in the city. The Islamic terrorist group Boko Haram, whose name means “western education is sinful” in the local Hausa language, has been waging a fight against the government with the aim of imposing Sharia law on the entire country, as well as driving non-Muslims from the north of the country.

The Deputy Commissioner of Police for Bauchi State, Otitoju Stevens, said citizens must be vigilant in order to help stop terrorist attacks.

“If a lot of people come to our aid by way of giving information, a lot of these cases will be reduced,” he said.

Boko Haram often attacks churches during religious services, and some areas in the north are under a 24-hour curfew to try and stop further attacks.

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