2012-05-08 16:36:38

Evangelization lies in the heart of the Church: Cardinal Filoni

May 08, 2012: ‘Diversity of peoples and cultures in the church highlights its universality’ said Cardinal Fernando Filoni, Prefect of the Congregation for the 'Evangelization of Peoples while welcoming the delegates at the Annual General Meeting of the Pontifical Mission Societies on Monday.

‘we are here to reflect and transmit how to live his Gospel to the nations. We share a unique vocation and one mission: to evangelize the service, especially specific missionary cooperation’. Evangelization, we know, is an activity that lies in the heart of the Church, the cardinal explained.

Cardinal Filoni identified three ecclesiastical events to take part this year, viz. the ‘Year of Faith, the Synod of Bishops on the New Evangelization, and the 50th anniversary of Vatican II.

He said that in this year of Faith: 2012-2013, Congregation for the 'Evangelization of Peoples, has the specific task, of ‘directing and coordinating throughout the world the work of evangelizing peoples and Missionary cooperation.’ It is a challenge and requires greatest commitment and active participation.

The Ordinary Synod of Bishops for the New Evangelization, highlights the need for a re-evangelization with new zeal, enthusiasm and method. This has driven the Pope Benedict XVI to convene the 13th Ordinary Synod of Bishops to study the nature, purposes and objectives of the New Evangelization, Cardinal Filoni added.

Cardinal also said that if we do not want our cooperation to the universal mission remains on the margins of the Church, we must place it in the large mission of the local Church, the first head of mission, taking an active part in his missionary journey.

50th anniversary of the opening of Vatican II should be an opportunity to review the documents of Vatican II. Th Cardinal 3 Vatican II documents – viz. Lumen Gentium, Gaudium et Spes, and the Ad Gentes.

Highlighting the role of Poontifical Mission Societies, he said that it has tried to adapt the number and quality of personnel to the actual needs of the offices.

The cardinal also revealed that they are working hard for the Church in China, through a positive moment for evangelization, but also critical to relations, issues made in appointing bishops. The Congregation is committed to bring clarity out of ambiguity and that so far have not benefited to the Church in China.

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