2012-04-12 16:40:07

Holistic vision of spirituality and healthcare

The George Washington Institute for Spirituality and Health was set up in 2001 with an ambitious goal: to change the face of the healthcare system in the US by promoting a more compassionate and integrated type of care. Through education and innovative programmes, publications and conferences, it has done just that and had a major impact on hospitals and healthcare professionals across the US and beyond. At the heart of its mission is the belief that spirituality, understood in its broadest sense, has a profound effect on our health and wellbeing, as well as helping us to deal with sickness, suffering and death.
Find out more as Philippa Hitchen talks to the founder and director of the institute, Dr Christina Puchalski, who came to our studios with Mgr Bob Vitillo, special advisor on HIV-AIDS to the global Caritas confederation…

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