2011-12-30 13:01:24

Rondine: young people, the peace-builders of tomorrow

As we celebrate World Day of Peace and reflect on Pope Benedict’s call to educate young people in justice and peace, we meet some young men and women from war-torn countries who are already doing just that.

The young people are part of an experiment launched by an Italian lay community committed to peace-building called “Rondine, Citadel of Peace.” Coming from areas of conflict in the Balkans, the Caucasus, the Middle East and Africa, the young people live in community in the medieval village of Rondine in Tuscany for a period of several years. Here, Israelis, Palestinians and Arabs share meals and forge fast friendships while pursuing university or masters degrees at Italian institutions. Pakistanis and Indians; Croats, Bosnians and Serbs - who back home might be considered enemies – overcome their mutual mistrust and return home to their countries with inspirational stories of how conflicts can be resolved and the wounds of war healed…

Listen to this program by Tracey McClure: RealAudioMP3

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