2011-10-09 11:43:51

All Christians are missionaries says Archbishop

(October 8, 2011) “The fundamental mission of the Church is always that of proclaiming the Word of God and thence the mission of denouncing everything contrary to the Word of God, such as injustices caused by vested interests that derail the Christian course,” said Argentinian Archbishop Orani João Tempesta, speaking at the beginning of October, the month of the Missions as also of the Holy Rosary. He added further that “in these times of great difficulties for the Mission of the Church which suffers various persecutions in the world, it isn’t easy to , nor is it simple to be present in a society in which not a small minority prefers to forget God. The Archbishop held up the example of the Carmelite nun Thérèse of Lisieux, the Little Flower, who never left the convent but was a great missionary, enlightened by her continuous prayers, by her missionary spirit, which she bore as a restlessness in heart, and by the depths of her love for God.

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