2011-08-05 16:44:38

The Pope will Bring a Fresh Breeze: Apostolic Nuncio in Madrid

August 05, 2011: There are now 12 days to start of World Youth Day, August 16, in Madrid, Spain. And the arrival of the Pope on 18th is awaited with great expectation. It is expected to bring fresh breeze, and hope to the youth. The Spanish dioceses are also organizing for "days in the diocese" from 11 to 15 August, during which they offer hospitality to foreign students and there will be moments of prayer and sharing.
Archbishop Renzo Fratini, Apostolic Nuncio in Madrid said that ‘Spain is waiting for the Holy Father with great desire and hope that it will also help a recovery on a spiritual level: it is going through a crisis of values ​​and beliefs that the Pope will bring to this country a new wind.
When asked whether Madrid would be the place where it will restart the evangelization of Europe, the Archbishop affirmed and said that the theme of the new evangelization will be the theme of the next Synod. I think it is a very important point, that of the new evangelization called for in the Church today, to share and give new hope. Young people feel disappointed and in need of new hope and so this day - I believe - represents a new beginning. The Pope will also give you the time of confession and a testimony to indicate that the Christian life really starts from an inner renewal, conversion: the return to God.
The Nuncio also said that he believes that it is a good opportunity to rediscover the fundamental choice of our Christian life. Living it every day in relations with others and in a dimension of solidarity, openness to the world.
The moment of Eucharistic celebration at the airport "Cuatro Vientos" also represents a symbolic moment of the whole Church gathered around the Pope to celebrate Christ, present today in the sacrament of the Eucharist. He also hoped that there will be such a renewal of religious life and then a new wave of vocations.

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