2011-05-07 18:59:51

Beatification of Giustino Russolillo at Naples

(May 07, 2011) Cardinal Angelo Amato, Prefect of the Vatican Congregation for the Cause of Saints, as delegate of Pope Benedict XVI, beatified the servant of God, Giustino Russolillo at the town of Pianura of Naples, in the diocese of Pozzuoli, where the future Blessed had been a parish priest. The ceremony took place on Saturday afternoon. Rusolillo born in 1891, was ordained priest in 1913. The main thrust of his apostolate was the promotion of vocations to life, to faith and to sanctity. He founded the Society of Divine vocations. The Vocationist Fathers follow his triple aim of Charism-divine union, universal spirituality-sanctification, mission and vocational service. Blessed Russolillo died in

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