2011-05-05 13:59:42

Divine inspiration key to unlocking sacred scripture writes Pope

Sacred scripture cannot truly be understood if we forget that it is inspired by God, writes Pope Benedict XVI in a message to the plenary session of the Pontifical Biblical Commission. The Commission of theologians and scriptural scholars are currently meeting in the Vatican, under the guidance of Commission President US Cardinal William J. Levada, to discuss the theme "Inspiration and Truth of the Bible."

"Inspiration is certainly a key concept in understanding Sacred Scripture as the Word of God in human words”, reaffirms the Pope quoting the Apostolic Exhortation Verbum Domini. "In fact - he continues - an interpretation of sacred writings that ignores or forgets their inspiration does not take account of their most important and valuable feature", in short their "coming from God." Thus, such a reductive interpretation "does not access or allow access to the Word of God in human words and therefore loses the priceless treasure that Holy Scriptures contains for us. This kind of approach - the Pope notes - deals with purely human words, though they may be ... words of extraordinary depth and beauty. "

God - Pope Benedict XVI recalls – addresses his words to us in order to "reveal Himself and make known the mystery of His will" and "His plan of salvation for humanity. The commitment to discovering more and more the truth of the Sacred books is therefore equivalent to trying to know God and the mystery of His saving will better. "

"Theological reflection - says the Pope - has always considered inspiration and truth as two key concepts for an ecclesial hermeneutics of Holy Scriptures. However - he adds - today the need for a proper study of these realities must be acknowledged, so as to better meet the requirements concerning the interpretation of Sacred texts according to their nature. "

The Pope also states "that in a good hermeneutics the criterion of inspiration, or that of absolute truth, can not be applied mechanically, extrapolating a single sentence or expression. The level where you can feel Holy Scripture as the Word of God is that of unity of God's history, in a totality, in which individual elements illuminate and open each other up to understanding. "

Finally, Pope Benedict expressed his "deep appreciation for the work done by the Biblical Commission to promote awareness, understanding and acceptance of the Word of God in the world."

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