2011-03-15 15:17:39

Italian Caritas sends contribution of 100,00 euro to assist Japan

(March 15, 2011) Italian Caritas on Monday sent an initial contribution of 100,000 euro to help Japan, hit last Friday by the worst ever earthquake and tsunami. Bishop Isao Kikuchi, President of Caritas Japan , thanked everyone for the messages of solidarity and closeness received from every continent and stressed on the need to be united in prayers. He said that Caritas Japan, although very small is working actively to help the people. Japan’s four dioceses of Sendai, Sapporo, Saitama and Tokyo have been affected. The worst hit is that of Sendai. Bishop Kikuchi said that Japan Caritas has launched a campaign of solidarity, and on Sunday all the churches in the country held a day of prayer and fundraising for the victims of the earthquake. He said catholic schools, associations and institutions have also started collections, and an emergency team has been set up to monitor the situation in affected areas.
The Director of Caritas Japan, Daisuke Naru further confirmed that a general mobilization is under way, including volunteers who are working with local NGOs. He added that focus is on the weaker segments of the population and also includes measures of psychological support. He said Caritas is also committed to focus in particular on the phase of rehabilitation.

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