2011-03-03 10:52:18

Exploring Anglican patrimony

Preserving the Anglican patrimony within the Catholic Church: that was one of the ambitious goals of the Ordinariate for former Anglican clergy and faithful, set up by Pope Benedict in November 2009 with the publication of an apostolic constitution entitled ‘Anglicanorum Coetibus’.
According to that document, members of the Ordinariate may celebrate the sacraments and other liturgical events according to the Anglican tradition, so as "to maintain their liturgical, spiritual and pastoral patrimony as a precious gift …and as a treasure to be shared".
But just what does that patrimony entail? How will it be understood by disaffected Anglicans moving over to Rome? And what effect will this have on the wider ecumenical landscape?

Canon David Richardson is the Archbishop of Canterbury’s representative to the Vatican and director of the Anglican centre here in Rome. Over the coming months that centre will be hosting a series of encounters to explore the different legal, liturgical, spiritual and pastoral aspects of the Anglican patrimony, beginning with a Colloqium on Canon Law on the afternoon of Friday March 4th.

Philippa Hitchen spoke to Rev David Richardson to find out more:

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