2011-02-14 18:40:29

ICRC helps transfer record number of apples from the Golan to Syria

The international committee of the Red Cross is set to start transferring 12,000 tonnes of apples from the occupied Golan to Syria on February 15th.

We spoke to a spokesperson for the ICRC in Jersualem, Cecilia Goin, who said that this is important for farmers in the Golan. “It’s helping to keep these links between the Syrians who are living in the Golan… who are not allowed to go to Syria freely.”

Speaking to Vatican Radio, she explained “it’s difficult for them to sell all the apples they grow in the Israeli market, so this is a way of preserving the links between the Syrians living in the Golan, but at the same time, helps them with this income, which is quite important for them.”

Listen to John Kelly’s interview with Cecilia Goin here:

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