2011-02-01 16:24:46

Educate young people about the sacredness of life, says Singapore’s archbishop

(February 01, 2011) In a message to Catholic schools on Monday, Archbishop Nicholas Chia of Singapore said the Church remains faithful to what proves to be positive for the human person, and supports the dignity and sacredness of love and life. This should also be part of sex education programs in Catholic schools in Singapore, he stressed. "Even though ours is a secular society, where no religious group has the right to impose their beliefs on others, Archbishop Chia said the Catholic schools should remain faithful to the official doctrine of the Church. He also said the Church's desire is to work with the Governing Council for the Promotion of Health on matters of sexuality. Citing the encyclical of Pope Paul VI - Humanae Vitae, the archbishop said that contraception is wrong, whatever method is used. However, he recalled the special cases where condom use is accepted, as in the prevention of transmission of HIV / AIDS in married couples. Archbishop Chia concluded his message by thanking the Catholic schools for their role in the growth of moral, spiritual, intellectual and physical health of young people. "Let us have the courage of our convictions, and bring education and true values in sexuality and in all other aspects to school life," he said.

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