2011-01-27 14:08:06

'A detail in history': the tale of a holocaust survivor

It took Polish born holocaust survivor Arek Hersh, 50 years to muster the courage to tell his distressing story.

One which began when he was only ten years old and took him to a string of concentration camps , among which Auschwitz. It was here that on the 18th of January 1945 when the Russian army was approaching he and the other inmates : " were taken out on a death march..it was minus 30 degrees , there was snow and howling wind , we had no food , we just wore the striped suits , we were frozen stiff and eventually we did get to a train station and were loaded on and taken to Buchenwald ...."I

Just one episode in years of suffering recounted by Arek Hersh in his book : "A detail of history" and in this interview with Lydia O'Kane .
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