2010-12-23 15:18:25

Looking back at an 'unforgettable journey'

An unforgettable journey: that was how Pope Benedict recently described his own visit to the United Kingdom last September – a visit that took him to Edinburgh and Glasgow in Scotland, before spending two days in London and one in Birmingham for the beatification of Cardinal John Henry Newman.
Despite some widely publicised opposition ahead of the trip, the September 16th to 19th visit was hailed as a huge success, with large crowds listening attentively, lots of positive media coverage and an unexpectedly warm welcome offered the Pope by politicians and ordinary people attending each event.
But looking back now with hindsight, what will be the lasting impact of that papal visit? How did the Pope's message speak to the hearts of people in Britain? And how will his visit affect the work of the Church over the coming months?
Questions that Phililppa Hitchen discussed with the head of the Catholic Bishops ‘Conference in England and Wales, Archbishop Vincent Nichols of Westminster …

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