2010-11-04 12:39:12

Teresa of Avila: spiritual writings

We present the life and work of a great spiritual writer from Spain, St. Teresa of Avila, in a programme written by Jill Bevilacqua and produced by Seàn-Patrick Lovett:
"When we think of Teresa today, we tend to visualise the final product -- the mystic and the saint. But the young woman who passed through the convent door on that chill November morning in 1536 was a long way from sainthood. For many years she was unable even to pray, as she herself tells in her lifestory..."
And yet this nun, while living a life of exceptional activity, was dedicated to silence and contemplation, and became one of the world's greatest mystics. Her writings on prayer have never been surpassed. She was asked to write on prayer for the nuns of her own convent. Like Teresa in her early years as a nun, they found prayer difficult. But she protested.
"Why do they want me to write things? Let learned men, who have studied, do the writing...I am not meant to write: I have neither the health nor the wits for it."
But Teresa did have the wits. And her words were wise and full of common sense.
"Why do we use so many words, she said, when the petitions contained in the Our Father cover all our needs, spiritual and temporal. From foolish devotions may God defend us..."
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