2010-10-17 13:40:11

Intervention of Mons. Giacinto-Boulos MARCUZZO, Patriarcal Vicar of Jerusalem of the Latins for Israel (ISRAEL)

Mons. Giacinto-Boulos MARCUZZO, Titular Bishop of Emmaus, Auxiliary Bishop of Jerusalem of the Latins, Patriarcal Vicar of Jerusalem of the Latins for Israel:

1.Formation is absolutely the greatest need of the Church in the Middle East. Training is the pastoral priority the Special Synod for the Middle East should choose. Certainly the Middle East has a strong attachment to Christian faith. But this is hereditary, social and confessional. In order to make our faith more personal, challenging and alive, we need a historical cultural intercession of the faith.
2. I am convinced that the best way for this pastoral faith and church operation is the traditional and ever new: See, judge, act. To see the reality, changes and “signs of the times”; to judge the reality in the light of the Word of God and faith and discern properly: finally bring it to life by planning some lines of action and commitment. It is the way of Gospel, of the Incarnation, the path of Emmaus, of the tradition of the Church especially the Eastern Church, of Vatican II and, indeed, even of our Instrumentum Laboris.
3. Is this really an effective method? Yes, historically and currently. In the seventh and eighth centuries, churches of the East were saved because they were able to make this great cultural and historical mediation of the faith. This mediation literally saved the Christian presence in the Middle East, while it has disappeared in other countries. This mediation has given us the "Arab Christian theology," a priceless heritage of the Church in the East. Currently, in the Holy Land all the Catholic Churches have made another great cultural mediation and have experienced a pastoral diocesan Synod that has literally brightened and renewed our faith, and given us a mutual "General pastoral plan", for this time.
4. Being this the best method in times of novelty and change, the cultural mediation of faith is the best way for our condition in Israel where there are two great historical novelties for the Church:
a) An Arab-Palestinian Arab minority living in a Jewish majority;
b) the birth of a “Hebrew speaking Catholic community. "

[00138-02.03] [IN097] [Original text: Italian]

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