2010-10-06 16:13:36

Elderly at risk of poverty in Sri Lanka

(Oct.06,2010) In Sri Lanka, the elderly are at risk of poverty with very poor health care and in adequate pensions. Life expectancy in the country is 80 years for women and 74 for men. To date, the elderly account for approximately 10% of the population, but despite the low percentage, the elderly suffer poverty. HelpAge Sri Lanka is the only association that for over 25 years, has provided assistance to the elderly in different parts of the country.
On the occasion of World Health Day for the Elderly on 1st October, the association brought together more than 600 Sinhalese and Tamils, Buddhists and Muslims, all over age 60, to celebrate the day with songs, dances and plays. The event was also attended by the Minister of Social Services, Felix Perera, who met senior representatives of various districts of the country, including those affected by civil war. Presented with the need for urgent reform of the welfare system, the Minister has pledged his commitment to introducing a new pension scheme for people over 70 years of age ,and older people who do not have enough income to survive.

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