2010-07-20 15:43:41

Holy See warns of growing poverty in Europe.

(July 20,2010) : Social inequalities are growing at an alarming rate in Europe, along with unemployment and other problems, the Holy See warned at the annual summit of religious leaders with institutions of the European Union.The one-day meeting on Monday in Brussels, Belgium, gathered the presidents of the European Commission, the European Parliament and the EU Council. Participating also were bishops, chief rabbis, muftis and leaders from the Hindu and Sikh communities.
Flaminia Giovanelli, undersecretary of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, stated in her presentation that the difference between rich and poor is increasingly great and scandalous, and the growth of unemployment is preoccupying. She said that some 85 million people in the European Union live under the threshold of poverty. Pointing to the increase in unemployment, Giovanelli said "The lack of work is the first cause of social exclusion, and has already reached intolerable proportions. She added that the Catholic Church is on the side of the poor, and promotes initiatives to help them surmount their situation.
Also present at the meeting were Cardinal Peter Erdo, president of the Council of European Bishops' Conferences (CCEE), and Bishop Adrianus van Luyn, president of the Commission of the Bishops' Conferences of the European Community (COMECE). Regarding the economic crisis, Bishop van Luyn said that we must not allow the poorest and the weakest in our society to become the victims of this crisis. Cardinal Erdö, emphasized that poverty isn't simply the lack of material goods, but that it involves all dimensions of the person. Therefore, he noted, addressing poverty necessarily involves addressing all the needs of a person.

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